Comfort Food

As fall turns into winter here in Kentucky, the temperature changes make us want more warm comfort foods to take the chill off. One of my favorite and easiest (shh! Don’t give away my secret!) is homemade chicken pot pie. Sure you can pick one up at your local fast food restaurant but homemade is SO much better!!!

All you need is a premade pie crust (another secret 😜), canned or fresh chicken, and whatever veggies ( you can use fresh, canned or frozen) your family likes. Add in a large can of cream of chicken soup and that’s it.

Homemade Chicken Pot Pie


Refrigerated pie crust (you’ll need both in the box)

1-2lbs Fresh or canned chicken

Canned, Fresh or Frozen Veggies ( I used 2 bags frozen and 1 bag of fresh carrot chips)

1 large can of cream of chicken soup

Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Sit crusts out to bring to room temperature. Mix all ingredients in a large bowl, making sure the veggies and chicken are covered by the soup. Set aside. Place one crust in bottom of pie dish, making sure sides are even. Add in ingredients from bowl. Then put second crust on top, pinching edges together to “close” the pie. Cut slits in top crust. Also, you can brush with milk or one beaten egg. Cover pie with aluminum foil. Place in oven and bake for 45 minutes. Remove foil and let pie crust turn golden brown, about 15 minutes. Remove from oven and let rest for several minutes.


Until next time friends!!……

Seeing Clearly

So a few weeks ago after struggling with burning watery eyes EVERY day putting in my contacts, I decided to play into the hype of “Lasik for $250 per eye” and take advantage of the free consultation. I arrived to a front desk of smiling faces, completed paperwork and was called back to begin the MULTIPLE vision screens. Once it was determined I was a candidate, who knew your cornea had to be a certain thickness, I got to meet with the physician who answered any and all questions. Then back to the smiling faces at the front desk to schedule my surgery date if I decided to move forward and the DREADED quote of how much the surgery would cost. The quote was WAY more than the “$250 per eye” radio commercial….not sure I would trust the procedure being so cheap anyway.

Two weeks later, I was glasses and contacts free!! I have to say it was a pretty painless and fast procedure. The staff definitely eased any fears…..I mean it is your eyes being operated on after all. I went from 20/100 to 20/15 in about 20 seconds!!!

The procedure itself went smoooooth….the after effects of the Valium not so much. One day I’ll let my husband tell that story!!

After 20 YEARS of relying on seeing aids I was seeing clearly!!! At first it was hard to not think in the mindset of where are my contacts and I couldn’t throw away my supply “just in case” I needed them. Finally after a month, I had my husband get rid of them because I just couldn’t do it!!!

I would definitely recommend getting lasik!! Go visit

Seeing clearly is DEFINITELY worth it!!!

Welcome spring???…..

It’s the first weekend in April, spring arrived two weeks ago but it sure doesn’t feel like it. Yesterday it was 30 degrees with snow showers

This robin was certainly confused as to where spring was. Life here on the mini-farm sure slows down when the temperature drops. Anyone else just want to curl up in bed instead of feed animals??

4H projects have arrived on farm and even though the weather is not cooperating, working the goats has become a daily chore. From running and jumping to learning how to walk in the show ring, the kids are teaching the kids!!!!

Getting to know Upside Downs Life

For several months, I debated about starting a blog.  I’ve been writing ideas in a journal and taking pictures preparing but yet not taking the actual steps to begin this journey.  Funny how life takes you out of your comfort zone.  I am a wife of 18 months, bonus mom of 3, animal lover, Jesus follower and modern homesteader.  Follow me along, as I write my thoughts, adventures and happenings.
